The Fuel |
On very rare occasions, I would have a pack of power gel. Due to the pressure of the first full marathon, I asked my two mentors on what to prepare. So one advised, "4 power gels and 1 power bar" and the other advised "5 power gels". On the same accord, they said, "consume one every hour".
Okay, point taken, the only place I know that sells these are
GNC. So off I went.
It seemed like I had some choice confusion and didn't know what to buy. The
Power Bar Energy gels is packed with 110 calories, cost the least, only RM7.50 each. Then there's the
GU Energy Gel at RM8.00 - packed with 100 calories. Lastly,
Accel Gel at RM8.90 also at 100 calories.
The helpful guy at GNC, tried to explain the differences of the 3 brands. One helps to hydrate better and the other has protein. (In my mind, heck care... just buy one each and try.)
I had 3 bananas before the run, was full to the throat. I only had my first power gel after 1.5 hours of run. There was a point when I tore off another power gel after 30 minutes instead of 1 hour. I had to run with a pack of opened gel in my hand.
Honestly, I don't even remember what is the difference between the gels now. When you are tired from running, everything tasted the same but make a huge difference in fuelling my run.
I never had the chance to eat up the Power Bar. It shall accompany me in the next run, I guess.
In conclusion, I am pretty sure everything played its role to help. From the water to 100 Plus to the toilet cubicles and soaked sponges and of course the gels. Where calories are concerned, to me, nothing beats bananas.