
10 Thoughts of My First Full Marathon

Date: 18 November 2012
Flag Off: 2 am
Completion: 6 hours 20 mins
Rank: 242/452
  1. Like any virgins, I was scared to death but I am alive.
  2. I wasn't alone in doing this. I started running back in February 2011 and I ran alone for the first 6 months. By the time I did my full marathon, I had many friends to run with me.
  3. 42km is surprisingly, a run-able distance.
  4. The last 5km was a true pain in the ass.
  5. What got me going was my breathing. I bet I had never focused any harder in my life.
  6. My medal, it finally felt like a medal of honor, of much sweat and pain and endurance.
  7. I did not suffer much sore at all - surprisingly.
  8. For the first time, I choked on my tears while running. I cried 3 times in the last 3 km.
  9. Running a marathon doesn't make me an iron lady, it reaffirms that I am in every way flesh and blood. I have emotions, I felt pain, weariness but mostly, I have a big appetite. :)
  10. It wasn't about the finish. It wasn't about the speed. It's about living my life to the fullest. Making meaning for myself and setting my worth and finding every reason to be grateful that I am alive and breathing. Loving a life worth living and overcoming the odds.
My certificate

Finished finally


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